Hadassah Medical. The core of your health care.

Checkups, diagnosis and prevention
Comprehensive health checkup - Rapid diagnostics - Genetic testing

Personalized medicine
Internationally Known Physicians - Women's Health Center

Top of the Line Medical Equipment
Center for Diagnostic Imaging - Rapid Diagnostics

Second Opinion
Private Medicine - Medical Report ("Second Opinion")
Second opinions often save lives.
Need to decide if surgery is the right path? Meet our specialists and get a second opinion.
To make the right decision, you need to see the whole picture. There are various approaches to many medical problems. When you consult with specialists, it is important to provide them with the full scope of your health data, including the results of tests and diagnostics. After a patient-to-doctor consultation, you will be able to compare the alternatives offered to you and, based on all the information you have, make the best choice for your care.
Hadassah Medical
Hadassah Medical combines a world-class diagnostics department with cutting edge infrastructure and an elite team of expert medical professionals. Our team of world-renowned specialists work together to create a supportive, professional and healing environment for patients. The combined experience of our specialists along with our top notch health care allows for early detection of abnormalities as well as assessment of risk factors, ultimately preventing the development of cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke and many other life-threatening health problems. Our patients come for comprehensive examination, including the newest health checkups and screenings, as well as “second opinion” consultations with highly qualified specialists. Hadassah Medical clinics are located in Hadassah Ein Kerem in Jerusalem and at the Diamond Exchange District in Ramat Gan.