Early detection of cancer

Quality of life begins with health


Leading a well-balanced life is not an easy task nowadays. Career, personal and professional growth, active participation in family life, hobbies all take up a significant portion of our life and require unblinking focus on effective time management. At Hadassah, our focus and understanding is that balanced living means protecting your physical, mental and emotional health.


Early diagnosis and prevention of cancer: we monitor your health


Hadassah Medical uses advanced technology to ensure early detection of cancer and timely detection of risk factors. The exam is based on a thorough study of the patient’s family history and lifestyle.

Genetic testing for inherited cancer risk 


People who are carriers of a genetic mutation that increases  the risk for cancer, are carefully monitored for early detection and prevention of cancer. Knowledge is power, and early cancer diagnosis saves lives!

Early diagnosis and prevention of cancer – next to you in Ramat Gan


At Hadassah Medical, the most up-to-date screenings are performed followed by professional medical advice of highly qualified specialists. A comprehensive examination in comfortable conditions will take only a few hours, after which you may get back to your day with peace of mind.


The list of tests for early cancer detection:

Consultation with Internal Medicine specialist
  • Diagnostic interview, case history, family history, physical examination
  • Cancer risk factors identification
Blood tests
  • Complete blood count, blood differential test.
  • Liver function, including GPT, ALT: bilirubin, phosphatase; GGT, albumin, globulin, sodium, chlorine, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, uric acid
  • Blood sugar level
  • Lipemic index: cholesterol, TG, LDL, HDL
  • Kidney function: urea, creatinine
  • Thyroid function test (TSH)
  • Early detection of prostate cancer (PSA)
  • Marker of inflammation / C-reactive protein (CRP)
Urine tests General urine analysis
Colon cancer Fecal occult blood testing for colon cancer screening
Eyeball cancer
  • Ophthalmic fundus examination
  • Intraocular pressure
  • Vision test
Skin cancer Annual skin cancer exam in order to detect tumors
Thyroid cancer Complete exam of the function of the thyroid gland (TSH, T3, T4)
Prostate cancer
  • Prostate exam
  • PSA test
Testicular cancer
  • Physical inspection
  • Testicular self-examination: care instructions
  • If necessary, referral to scrotal ultrasound
Mammary cancer
  • Inspection and palpation of the mammary glands
  • Mammography
  • Breast ultrasound
Cervical cancer
  • Complete pelvic exam
  • Cervical Cancer Screening: Pap smear
Endometrial and ovarian carcinoma Pelvic ultrasound
Oral cancer Physical inspection
Clinical nutrition  A clinical nutritionist will give you recommendations on proper nutrition for reducing cancer risk.


Personalized testing


The following tests may be performed in addition to the above-mentioned ones based on the recommendations of the physician for an extra fee and with a special discount for patients undergoing examination:

  • Virtual colonoscopy – non-invasive imaging for early detection of colon cancer
  • Colon cancer: invasive colonoscopy / gastroscopy (if indicated)
  • Computed Tomography Screening for Lung Cancer for smokers and ex-smokers
  • Genetic counseling
  • Genetic testing
  • Abdominal ultrasound exam (if indicated)


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